Celebrating 60 Years

MG TC Owners Club

2021 Annual Trophy Night and 60th Year Anniversary Dinner

60th Anniversary

The TC Owners Club is now on the cusp of its 60th Anniversary which will occur on Tuesday 1st June 2021. This is an amazing milestone for the Club and celebrations will begin with an Anniversary Dinner on Saturday 29th May at the Royal Perth Yacht Club where no doubt there will be heard many tales tall and true.

This will be followed by a luncheon on Tuesday 1st June, the actual Anniversary date, where it is hoped there will be an opportunity to also display many of the members cars.

The organising committee is presently busy locating as many of the foundation members as is possible as well as those early members who joined the Club in its first year of operation. Other past members still known to the Club will also be invited.

Although not yet confirmed it is also possible the Club will plan a rally later in the year to the south west along the same lines as that which took place in 2011 following the 50th Anniversary. This four day event was very popular and attracted several MG owners from the eastern states and one from the USA. If it can be arranged it will include a visit to the Collie Raceway.

There is a growing sense of anticipation in the Club but there is still a lot to be done.

Original members re-united

Well the dinner has been run and was a very enjoyable successful evening. There were a number of inaugural members present which was great. Also we had guests from the East coast, one couple who drove their TC over, well done and very much appreciated.

We also had a member who flew back to WA from SA, just to attend, thank you!

There were many people present who over the years have had some involvement with the club helping it along the way to maintain it's activities, thank you.

Here is a short video.

Here a few photos of our members enjoying the evening

Poster on display of our 60th Commemorative Year